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Xiamen Golden Silk Road Trading Co., Ltd.
Fujian, China
मुख्य उत्पादों: वेल्डिंग मशीन, वेल्डिंग टोचेस धारक, वेल्डिंग उपकरण, वेल्डिंग पोजिशनर टर्नटेबल, वेल्डिंग पोजिशनर टर्नटेबल, वेल्डिंग तार फीडर
शीर्ष चुनाव
देखें अधिक

Highly recommended




JINSLU Golden Silk Road Company was founded in 2014. The company name is inspired by the ancient Silk Road of China; thousands of years ago, China's Silk Road opened a trade avenue connecting the East and the West, not only bringing silk to Western countries and porcelain, which further promoted the exchange of technology, culture and ideas.


The Silk Road was not only an important channel for the exchange of culture and commodities between the East and the West in ancient times, but also symbolized the spread of technology and innovation.



Inspired by this history and spirit, JINSLU is committed to becoming a leader in the global welding industry. We connect the industrial needs of different countries and regions through sustained technological innovation and quality services. Our products and solutions have been widely used in construction, automobile, shipbuilding and other industries to help customers improve production efficiency and product quality.


As the builder of the modern "Golden Silk Road", we not only deliver products, but also deliver advanced technology and comprehensive services to promote the development and progress of global manufacturing. In the future, JINSLU will continue to expand its influence in the international market, provide support for more industries through continuous technological innovation and service optimization, and create prosperity with global customers and partners.



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